
QUnit is a JavaScript unit testing framework.

Minimal Setup

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>QUnit Example</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-1.18.0.css">
  <div id="qunit"></div>
  <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
  <script src="//code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-1.18.0.js"></script>
  <script src="tests.js"></script>


QUnit.test( "ok test", function( assert ) {
  assert.ok( true, "true succeeds" );
  assert.ok( "non-empty", "non-empty string succeeds" );

  assert.ok( false, "false fails" );
  assert.ok( 0, "0 fails" );
  assert.ok( NaN, "NaN fails" );
  assert.ok( "", "empty string fails" );
  assert.ok( null, "null fails" );
  assert.ok( undefined, "undefined fails" );
QUnit.test( "equal test", function( assert ) {
  assert.equal( 0, 0, "Zero, Zero; equal succeeds" );
  assert.equal( "", 0, "Empty, Zero; equal succeeds" );
  assert.equal( "", "", "Empty, Empty; equal succeeds" );
  assert.equal( 0, false, "Zero, false; equal succeeds" );

  assert.equal( "three", 3, "Three, 3; equal fails" );
  assert.equal( null, false, "null, false; equal fails" );

Compared to ok(), equal() makes it much easier to debug tests that failed, because it’s obvious which value caused the test to fail.

When you need a strict comparison (===), use strictEqual() instead.

QUnit.test( "deepEqual test", function( assert ) {
  var obj = { foo: "bar" };

  assert.deepEqual( obj, { foo: "bar" }, "Two objects can be the same in value" );
QUnit.test( "notDeepEqual test", function( assert ) {
  var obj = { foo: "bar" };

  assert.notDeepEqual( obj, { foo: "bla" }, "Different object, same key, different value, not equal" );
QUnit.test( "a test", function( assert ) {
  assert.notEqual( 1, "2", "String '2' and number 1 don't have the same value" );
QUnit.test( "propEqual test", function( assert ) {
  function Foo( x, y, z ) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;
  Foo.prototype.doA = function () {};
  Foo.prototype.doB = function () {};
  Foo.prototype.bar = 'prototype';

  var foo = new Foo( 1, "2", [] );
  var bar = {
    x : 1,
    y : "2",
    z : []
  assert.propEqual( foo, bar, "Strictly the same properties without comparing objects constructors." );
QUnit.test( "strictEqual test", function( assert ) {
  assert.strictEqual( 1, 1, "1 and 1 have the same value and type" );
QUnit.test( "notPropEqual test", function( assert ) {
  function Foo( x, y, z ) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;
  Foo.prototype.doA = function () {};
  Foo.prototype.doB = function () {};
  Foo.prototype.bar = 'prototype';

    var foo = new Foo( 1, "2", [] );
    var bar = new Foo( "1", 2, {} );
  assert.notPropEqual( foo, bar, "Properties values are strictly compared." );
QUnit.test( "a test", function( assert ) {
  assert.notStrictEqual( 1, "1", "String '1' and number 1 have the same value but not the same type" );
QUnit.test( "throws", function( assert ) {

  function CustomError( message ) {
    this.message = message;

  CustomError.prototype.toString = function() {
    return this.message;

    function() {
      throw "error"
    "throws with just a message, not using the 'expected' argument"

    function() {
      throw new CustomError("some error description");
    "raised error message contains 'description'"

    function() {
      throw new CustomError();
    "raised error is an instance of CustomError"

    function() {
      throw new CustomError("some error description");
    new CustomError("some error description"),
    "raised error instance matches the CustomError instance"

    function() {
      throw new CustomError("some error description");
    function( err ) {
      return err.toString() === "some error description";
    "raised error instance satisfies the callback function"